
It’s a daily battle to be yourself, not merely what the world wants you to be.
~ James Clear


A Chinese descendant born and raised in Jakarta, Maria McDonald migrated to Brisbane in 1995.

Always fascinated with imaginary worlds, her love of reading from a young age turned to concocting alternative plots and endings to movies, TV series and books (what if Athos had a daughter in the movie version of ‘The Man In The Iron Mask?’; would it be possible for me to write a sequel to Jodi Picoult’s ‘The Pact’ and give the male protagonist a different ending?).

In late 2006, what had started as a quick scribble of a vivid dream grew to a 15,000-word story in a matter of days – by far the longest essay Maria had ever written. Currently revising her four-part book series focussing on the life of a biracial young woman, she hopes to explore ever-prevalent topics such as bullying, racism, platonic friendship, relationship (of every kind), grief, and many others.

Maria holds a Bachelor of Business (Communications) degree and has worked in an education setting for almost 17 years.

She lives with her husband and an extremely adorable Jack Russell x Maltese dog, and currently calls Manila her ‘semi-permanent’ home.

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